
Ni9ht H3lps – Mental Health Support


Ni9ht H3lps – Mental Health Support

We bring music and entertainment to society.
We put a smile on thousands of people’s faces. Festivals, clubs and concerts are spaces for freedom, celebration and letting go. Can we also provide ideas and examples beyond entertainment in order to create happy citizens, more inclusive communities and better living spaces for all?

But while we make an incredible effort to professionalize and improve our events and to please our customers and fans, we are very likely to forget ourselves on this journey.

If you work in music, you are three times more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression than the general population. Responsibility, pressure and self-exploitation slam up against sex, drugs and rock’n’roll. According to a recent survey of the UK music industry, 71% reported anxiety and panic attacks, while 65% suffered from depression.  We want to start talking about this – because issues like responsibility, pressure and burnout are just as much a part of our business as sex, drugs and rock’n’roll.

Experiencing poor mental health is not an issue specific to the music and digital industry. One in four adults in Europewill deal with a mental illness at some point in their lives Becoming unwell can be a very scary, isolating experience but the most important two things to remember are; it is not a weakness and you are not alone.

In a series of 10 public and free workshops all over Europe in cooperation with stakeholder relevant events, conferences ort initiatives, we want to listen and talk openly about how we treat ourselves. This is about experiences and expectations, about who could help and how. Let’s talk about working hours, motivation and appreciation. What’s the cure for the after-tour blues and when is the right time to switch off the phone?

Learn to ask for Help.
For a whole day we want to start a conversation on some elephants in the room. We want to devote ourselves to ourselves. We want to listen to our stories of mental health, anxiety, purpose and recovery. We want to learn together about new, smart, digital, analog and contemporary approaches on working conditions, accessibility, motivation and appreciation. We want to listen, talk and learn to save our lives. We want to learn to ask for help.

What will we do?
10 Workshops in cooperation with existing stakeholder relevant events, conferences or initiatives (tbc)
3 Workshops in Germany (Berlin, Hamburg, Munich)
1 Switzerland (Zurich, Street Parade)
1 Austria (Vienna or Graz, Elevate Festival, Vienna Waves)
1 in Netherlands (Amsterdam Dance Event)
1 France (Paris, Festival We Love Green)
1 UK (London)
1 Spain (Barcelona, Sonar)
1 Portugal (Lisbon, Web Summit)
(more to follow)

What do we need?
Please support Ni9ht H3lps. We need financial donations to organise ten meetings all over Europe, get the right people in the room to start this important conversation. And then take it from there to start developing tools to prevent people from falling into the pits, support them when in the midst of this helter skelter and step by step change the industry towards a brighter future for all of us. Because we rejoice when we dance, love and laugh with our people at festivals, clubs and concerts. And we want to stay alive while doing so.

Thanks to our friends at Hyte we are able to start our first fundraiser in December 2018. They are asking their festival guestlists for a voluntary donation to kickstart Ni9ht H3lps. We love you!

You can support us as well: Please donate via Paypal.
Please use this Link to get directly to PayPal:  http://bit.ly/Ni9htH3lps
It’s safe and fun. And you can get even a Spendenquittung if you want…
(Or click the donate button below)

In case of any question, idea or cooperation approach, please do not hesitate to contact me (Jacob Bilabel  / bilabel (at) thema1.de) or my colleague Martina Unger (unger (at) thema1.de)
Thank you very much. Lets learn to listen and ask for help if needed.
Jacob Bilabel / Founder Green Music Initiative